Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Finding Victory

In 1999 I had hit the bottom. I was going through a spiritual transition. Sometimes, as they say, things have to get worse before they get better. Emotionally, physically, relationally, spiritually; everything in my life was needing an overhaul. I was seeking God, really seeking Him, but I felt like for each proverbial step forward I was taking 2 steps back. Depression was taking a toll on me and everything else in my life. I had had some physical issues that were nagging at me. Hypoglycemia, hypothyroid, peri-menopause, the beginning of heart problems that were then yet to be diagnosed. Then my Dad died. Top that off with our younger daughter's struggles, (an 18 yr. old) and my life was heading into the "perfect storm".

Day to day living was getting harder and harder. I was attending church regularly, but that wasn't solving my problems. I was reading the Bible and Christian books, and it was helping, but still I was floundering around like a fish thrown in the bottom of the spiritual boat.

We were attending a large denominational church; several thousand members. There were a lot of options for study and they regularly hosted guest speakers, conferences, and workshops on any number of relevant and not so relevant topics. One Sunday in our worship handout there was a notice of a conference coming up. A "Freedom in Christ" Conference led by the head of the ministry, Neil Anderson. Funny thing, I had purchased his second book in the series when there were some issues I needed clarification in. But I hadn't read his first book, Victory Over the Darkness.

I attended this first conference and I have to tell you, it was like "someone" turned on the lights in a pitch black room. Talk about "aha" moments. I was blasted all through the 2-day conference. One thing after another. God was using this time to literally give me the biggest wake-up call of my life. A bucket of cold "living water", right in my spiritual face!

This began a time of sorting out my thought-life. My perspective on God and my Christian life had been "screwed up". If I could say that one thing was the pivotal, crucial, and life-changing experience of my Christian walk up to that point, it would be reading and studying this book. I felt like I had been living in a deep dark forest and I was starting to see glimpses of light up ahead!

This conference was the start of me not only reading and studying this book, but then studying within this "ministry" itself. Taking courses to qualify as a member of the team at our church and then becoming a prayer facilitator and teacher. I worked within this ministry for several years, and it was during this time that God gave me a great passion to help other women who were in the same place I had been.

I knew in my heart at some point I would want to share this book with you. Please don't get me wrong, I don't "idolize" this book or this ministry, but the information I received and allowed God to incorporate into my heart was in every sense of the word, "life-changing". It is what I call "Christian counseling at the very best."

Dr. Anderson is and was a Christian counselor who after seminary, felt the call to help individuals with discipleship. For years he gained information on Biblical understanding of what it takes to bring change to people. This book "Victory Over the Darkness" is that cumulative information; good Christian pyschology.

I am going to be going back through this book, pages well worn and marked. I will listen to the Holy Spirit as He leads me on breaking down and passing along this information to you. To many of you, this will be affirmative, to some it will give food for thought, and for others, who were like me, I pray this will be new and refreshing thinking; some "aha" moments. I'm hoping that no matter where you are in your Christian walk that you can join in and identify with the concepts and ideas.

Like any new and groundbreaking concept, Dr. Anderson and his ministry, received criticism. People always have their own opinions. I first measure something by the "Word of God". Is it Biblical? yes. Then my own experience. Was my experience Biblical? You better believe it! So to those who have disagreed, so be it. I know how this radically changed my mind and life and cleaned out all the junk that had been festering in my life and heart for my whole existence. I hope that even if you are familiar with this ministry that you will stick with me and look at this with a fresh perspective.

If you'd like to read along you can find this book on Amazon or at any Christian bookstore. It was published in 1990 and has been proven to stand the test of time. By all means I'm not saying that you have to order this book. I'm going to go through it and discuss it from my perspective, life and viewpoint. Just sharing information in case you are interested.

The subtitle and description of this book is so very accurate; "Realizing the Power of Your Identity in Christ".

And I hope that is what we will do. Realizing who we are in Christ is the key to our Christian growth and walk. I hope you'll join in, and find "victory" for your everyday life, just like I did.



  1. Oh Debra,
    This sounds so exciting! I well remember the book that did "it" for me. The Believer's Authority by Kenneth E. Hagin. It soooo transformed my life. I know just what you mean about a wake up call. I am looking forward to studying this book with you. I have a few dark corners that could use some victory. :)

  2. Great post!! I did this study years ago and benefited greatly from it.
    Blessings, andrea

  3. Hello Debra
    Amen...I couldn't agree with you more! So many of us Christians after the rebirth think thats it and it just is all about who we are in Christ and being transformed to the image of Christ...we are new creatures!
    I have not read this book but I know all about controversy.

  4. This looks like a very interesting book, I'll have to check into it. Can't wait for you to go over the chapters, T

  5. Hi Debra. I'm really excited about this new area of study. I'm so excited I just ordered Victory Over Darkness, the study guide. I ordered it on amazon used books, cheap, cheap that way I can read it myself and follow along.

    Thank you for sharing your trials and tribulations with us so we can better understand where you been and how we can hope for change and count on the love of Christ to provide what we search for.

    Love you, Tracy :)

  6. I am eagerly awaiting more! This study sounds like just what I need.

  7. Dear Debra-

    As you know, I have the book. Maybe my procrastination was a good thing because now I can study it with you.

    Thank you,


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