Wednesday, July 27, 2016

God is my Healer...but I'm still feeling bad

Hi Everyone...I know it's been a long time since I've posted, and even longer since I've posted regularly. I've had some serious health issues this last few years and I've just not been able to feel like I could do this blog justice. I have another blog, which I started first; sort of a decor/lifestyle blog. It's listed on the sidebar here. Common Ground. If you'd like to catch up with my life then come on over. I've just posted about some of what's been happening with me healthwise. God has been leading me to some important life and health changing insights.

There will be more posts coming, but for now you can at least get an update, and understand why this blog has been silent. I've missed posting here, but I think you may understand that there are times when you just have to listen to God... 


  1. Glad to see you back. I have been so busy that I can't remember when I last did a Blog. I miss it! Hope all is well.

  2. Hello Debra, I’m sorry that you are going through some health issues !
    I never write on a blog before, this is my first time the reason I’m in your blog is because I’m working on my church website and someone said will be nice to have a blog so I decide to look other blogs to see how they look ! and here I’m, I believe people cross pass for a reason and I deal with some health issues myself. On feb/2016 I was diagnostic with cancer again after 5 years of remission my first reaction was I was very angry I could believe that I got it back, in that time I already have the month of March 2016 schedule a great vacation first a cruise for 2 weeks and my nephew was getting merry in Cartagena, Colombia so I schedule a 2 weeks vacation with my sisters, refuse to cancel any part of my vacation so I when and every time that the thought “I got it back” come to me I keep said NO this is just a mistake ( even that I have a 2 test the confirm the diagnostic ) "Get behind me, Satan! GOD DON’T CREATE BAD THING GOD ONLY CREATE GOOD AND LOVE, SO THIS IS A BIG ILUSION AND I REFUSE TO BELIEVE AND THE FIRST WEEK WAS BAD BECAUSE YOU REALLY FIGHTING YOU MIND BUT AFTER THAT I REALLY HAVE FUND AND EVERY DAY I THANKS GOD FOR MY HEALING ! (GREAT VACATION WITH MY SISTERS WE LAUGH A LOT AND ENJOY THE BEACH …..
    I when back to Arizona and the next day I have another test schedule to figure the treatment my Dr. want to do and honest I didn’t have any doubts that was a mistake …
    The results of the test my Dr. can’t believe and he want to do a physical examination, It was gone
    Some how disappear so my dear friend refuse to believe the GOD create nothing more that LOVE AND GOOD ( DON’T STOP SEE IT THE DOCTORS )

    1. Hi Inge, I'm so glad you found my blog. Thankyou so much for sharing your miraculous health report. God surely is our Healer, and we should do as you, resist the enemy and claim the healing that Jesus has already paid for on the cross. blessings to you, xo, Debra

  3. Thank you for your 4 Part series about your health issues which you posted on your Common Ground blog, and the direction God has you going in and has watched over you. Your posts are already a blessing, as my mouth dropped open, seeing that many of your health issues fit mine, except I have not had the heart issues you have had. I am also, way over my '50's'. But most of my life my energy level has been a problem. And I know there has to be some answers! Thank you for so much info about supplements and the chemical they can contain. I have never liked any of the fake sweeteners, nor did I ever drink the diet sodas, but I am literally addicted to Dr Pepper! And now they are putting a dough softening agent (which is banned in Europe and Canada)and like you said, they are putting it in everything boxed, frozen, or canned. God bless your perseverance, and your faith in God, and your prayer life. Me too, God is first and foremost in my life and I love all of God's children all over the world, His children, His called out people, all believers everywhere. This is our 'Oneness' in Him, the unity of the Spirit, the hope of our calling to Christ.
    Blessings and prayers
    Teresa in California

  4. Yeah. God Hears and does everything for our good whether it looks bad or not, still there hidden something good. We can't guess that or may be we can. :)


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