Well, I can tell you that in my life God has done all these things and many more. He is the "One" who has supplied the miraculous. He can take a man and make him the best husband I could ask for. He could take a daughter that was missing His presence and bless her with great spiritual gifts. He took a woman who was "worldly" and not having a deep relationship with Him and then blessed her with a new life. Then he could give us a solution to our financial debt. These are all things that are a direct result in my believing these scriptures.
Version: NAS
John 14:11-14
11. "Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me; otherwise believe on account of the works (miracles) themselves. 12. "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go to the Father. 13. "And whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14. "If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do [it]".
Do you have a problem in your life that needs God's attention? I think we all do. I know that I have several things on my heart that need Him to be involved with and that only He can fix. Health problems? yes, and money issues that are still being "worked on".
Do you have an emptiness in your heart? Are you searching for meaning in your life?
So let's start looking at some of the miracles Jesus performed while He was here on earth. We will study some individual miraculous events. Physical healings and miraculous occurrences; we will investigate them and see how God can do the same things in our lives today.
When I talk about "miracles" you need to know I do not subscribe to any concept that has been born out of the New Age movement. I do not follow anything or anyone except Jesus Christ. I have read portions of different "miraculous" courses such as " A Course in Miracles" by Marianne Williamson, and then there is "The Secret" which was much hyped a few years ago. These are teachings that are not from Jesus. They may throw His name around and have a little scripture added in for good measure, but they are not Biblical. Be careful what you pick up to read and study. "Miracles" are part of the New Age tug. (Also "angels" can be a lure that the New Age uses)They can suck you into something that is not of God. Pray before you read or subscribe to anything. As I have said before, seek God over what He would have you be involved in. If it doesn't line up with God's Word tell Him to let you know so you can leave it alone.
Quite a few years ago, when I first really started studying God's Word in earnest, I had a God inspired thought, that I would ask to see miracles happen in my life. Since I made that request of God, I have wondered at times if that was really a good idea. I have seen the miraculous, but at times it has come out of a desperate situation. I guess to see a miracle you have to be in a place that unless "God steps in", it just will not happen. Yes, I have been there a few times.
This will be an awesome time of study I can assure you. I'm looking forward to see what God has in mind for us and how He can give us new hope and a new way of looking at life.
I can guarantee it will be a time of "fruitful" study.
Before I close I want to tell you a little about what God has been saying to me about this little time of Bible Study and sharing. This is something God has a plan for. Each one of you that reads these posts God has a plan for. He has brought you here because He is getting ready to do "miracles" in our lives. I don't know what the "particulars" are, but I know He is up to something "awesome"! He wants us to be ready to grab on to Him and let Him take us someplace "new" in our lives.
A few days ago God showed me a group of women holding hands in a "circle". There were quite a few of us, and the circle was growing. We each held each other's hands in this circle. And He said to me, "It is not just a circle, but a circuit." Now I have to tell you I got super excited, because if you know anything about electricity, you know it needs a "circuit", or a path of electric current. God is getting ready to move through us with His power and presence.
So if you are just a casual reader I'm going to to ask you to pray about joining us with more of a commitment. I know God has a plan to bless each and every one of us.
I am challenging you to start a "journal" of what you are asking God for, because I believe with my whole heart some of our lives are about to change. Just grab a notebook or a journal and write down what God is putting on your heart about these posts. There will be quite a few posts I'm sure. It doesn't have to be in depth or lengthy, just let Him speak to your heart about what He wants to do.
I'm also challenging you to leave comments and thoughts. Even if it's just a sentence. When we get involved and don't just stand on the sidelines, God knows we are "serious" about what He wants to do in our lives. If you are new reading this, don't feel inadequate or that you are not one of the group. You definitely are a part of this. You are not here by accident, and God wants to draw you in closer. Join hands and hearts with me as we study Jesus' miracles and as we allow Him into our life to see what miracles He has in store for us!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week, everyone! I know we will be having our kids here and it will be a busy time. I'll post again next week. Until then, leave a thought or comment and I will answer back here on the comment page. I'm excited to hear what God is doing in your lives. Be sure and leave prayer requests, and I will post them on the side bar.
Get ready and get excited.
God is moving!
Blessings to you all,
In Jesus Love,
Debra, this is just what I needed. You are so intune to God and for this I'm so thankful that you are. I'm holding your hand... Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this post and Have a very special Thanksgiving time.
ReplyDeleteAmen ! I totally agree with you . God has done so many miracles in my life and I am praying for more. We serve a mighty and awsome God !A wonderful post & may you have a wonderful Thanksgiving !
The Little Things
Hi Debra,
ReplyDeleteI came by today because I know you do this Bible study and I know that you know Angelique. I had wanted to come by and ask for prayer for her and her sister, but I see they are already on the list. Thank you so much! I am joining the group and I look forward to seeing all that God has in store for all of us as well! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Debra!
I am involved, I cannot keep it in, I cannot sit on the sideline and be silent... you know that from my paintings and my post... I have been given boldness from on high... please pray the annointing on my last post.
Thank you for your sweet comment.
As always this was beautiful and full to running over with HIM.
Dear Debra-
ReplyDeleteI feel a sense of excitement because I believe in the intuitive reationship and ear you have for God.
I want more- more God, more wisdom, more peace, more letting go of my sweet daughters, more faith- and not in the church sense.
Does this sound selfish?
I am starting my list!
I am ready
ReplyDeleteI read this post after my drive into work today. It has came at an appropriate time in my life. As you know I have three daughters. They all have their own problems in life as just as everyone else does. I raised them mostly on my own until I was remarried when they were all middle school and high school age. So they have always came to me with their needs and for advise. I am gratfull for that but I need to let it go to God and not carry it around on my shoulders myself. I had just decided to spend my drive into work everyday in prayer specifically for my daughters and their families. Giving it to our Lord. This post was just the icing on the cake so to say. I will start out my journal this week with my daughters first in line.
Sometimes, when life gets a little tough - we will stray from what is the most important in life. But you post for today - gets it all back into perspective.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you and your family,
God's timing is what this is about. I'm so thankful that this particular time of study is "hitting the mark" with you all. I know I'm ready for some things to change in my life, especially physically. I have to say when God called the circle, a "circuit" I got Holy Ghost chills and the hair stood up on the back of my neck!
ReplyDeleteSo thanks gals for stepping out there and making the "commitment". It's not a commitment to me, but to God.
Adrienne, Jo and Eunice, I'm so glad you're on board. Lee, Theresa, Brenda and Laura. I know you all are here with me. Thank you!
I can't wait to get started!
Please count me in for the circle. I really need a place like this to go for fellowship. I am excited to see what God's going to do with this supernaturally charged group of bloggers!
ReplyDeleteYou know I believe in miracles...I get to hold one at least once a week. Everything the doctors said would happen...didn't. We chose to listen to God and not the medical staff and after about 3 mos. Bella's main Dr. told Jenn that whoever she had praying for Bella...to keep it up...it was working. That in itself was a miracle. For a doctor to give credit to the Great Healer...wow. I'm with you and I'll start a journal. There is one thing in my life right now I'm struggling with and I will be turning it over to God for the answer.
I actually keep a faith book of our family miracles that I know God has performed for my family...It is such imporant history! I will do a post on it someday but my mom has it right now to record how she & my dad became believers. Miracles are happening today! I am excited to study them with you!
ReplyDeleteHi Debra and everyone else that shares this wonderful blog. I loved this post. It was very energizing and uplifting. Your post definitely charged me with energy. I too feel the change coming, the mircles and the blessings, the excitement and the love. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
ReplyDeleteLove, Tracy
What an exciting season we are in as the family of God.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, GG
I am so blessed by the phone conversation we had this evening. You are right, I did need to read this, and I *do* need to be part of this miraculous circle of women. It's like I told you, alone I tend to grow lukewarm...I need the encouragement and example set by my sisters in Christ...chiefly you, I believe. Big responsibility, but I really do believe that He has spoken to you very clearly these past few days with regards to some intense things I've been dealing with.
ReplyDeleteGod carefully placed me on your heart, and you were attentive and obedient enough to respond to His prompting. For that, I thank you, Debra!
I'll be reading and participating a great deal more here in the days ahead. I want to be a part of the circuit, to feel His presence charge through me and permeate every ounce, every cell, every thought or imagination...to have what is lacking in me be filled with His goodness and given to me through His loving hands on earth, people like you Deb....and Adrienne, and Misty and Angelique...and above all, I desire to be a blessing to others. To help facilitate miracles in anothers life!
Long and rambly, but it gets that way sometimes when you believe that you are being addressed by the Almighty.
Have a wonderful weekend, we will talk soon!
Debra, I hope you know that I already feel that I am a part of this circuit of faith. I received a miracle this week as I drove to have lunch with my eldest son...
ReplyDeleteThere is so much for him that I want... and as I was driving to see him the Lord told me that I would have peace if I would love what he has already...and so it is. In case that isn't clear, another way of thinking about this is... instead of wanting, we are to be loving because when we are loving, praising, and in gratitude for what we have...we do not have room for wanting, desiring, or feeling that we are lacking something. The peace I felt from this realization made my Thanksgiving the truest one I have ever known. Peace be to each of you this day.
Last week the Lord gave me an awesome scripture.Joshua 3:5-Purify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do great wonders among you.
ReplyDeleteSo often we feel like we are waiting for God, when really it is He that is waiting on us.
I join you in this united effort. What great things happen when we get in one accord!
Hi Debra,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the lovely site. I tried to comment, but it seemed to not go through. Shoot! It was a long thought. For now, just know I appreciate the opportunity to learn more and to share. My relationship with Jesus is fairly new, even though I have been a Christian all my life. I will check back soon.
Take care
Debby, Debbie, Libbie, Tracy, GG, Anne, Kitt, Lisa, and Elizabeth. WOW, God is so right. Our numbers are growing! Thank you all, for being willing to step out. I'm going to do the first post on Monday. I need your prayers as I start these. God is working and He is calling us. I so love the scripture from Joshua! and how appropriate for this time. I feel we are being prepared for things He is wanting to do, not only in our own lives, but in our families and with our own circles of friends and loved ones. I think we will start to see some things happening and changing. Be sure and let us know when they do.
ReplyDeleteHope you are all having a wonderful time with your families this weekend!
Hi Debra...I have so missed being here in this little circle with you!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to Thank you for your prayers of late and...
I am so...excited about what's been going on in my absence!
I can't wait to see happens next!
Love you so much dear friend...donna
Debra, I wanted to share with you the most wonderful post I read today. If you get a chance go to Patina Soul (www.patinasoul.blogspot.com) and read what Fawn wrote. It really touched me.
Debra...I popped on over..and took a gander at your prayer list. Went over to read at Angeliques and Misty's...... thank you for the introduction. Not only beautiful blogs, with beautiful authors....but a place that made you stop and think for a moment. I believe that is what I posted to Adrienne..... it was gut wrenching moment..but in a good way. Makes you step out of the box..think..be thankful and grateful for all the things in our lives we have been blessed with, and the crazy paths our lives take that lead us to intertwine with the most amazing people.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless.
Hi Donna,I'm so glad you're back. I missed you, girl. Hope your life is slowing down a little after the big Open House and your traveling to see family, and the death of your stepfather. You were in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteAlso Cat, so glad you found us. I'm so glad you're here! Praying for our sisters is just such a priviledge, blessings.
OK, we are getting started!
It is awesome, this whole journey of self realization is awesome and exciting.. you will be looking for a door and a door appears all of sudden from no where..
ReplyDeletedepra i am extremely grateful for playing ur magnificent role.. i was in dire need of elation and up lifting and you did it magnificently well..
bunches of thanks and love..
searching for a miracle, I came across your page today. Your words spoke Truth to my weary soul. I know I believe in miracles, it's just that when I feel nearly depleted/weary/heartbroken it doesn't feel like ones ever going to change anything.
ReplyDeletesome say He comes thru in the 11th hour....well, it's 11:59....
I'm ready for Him to scoop me up & fix all the hurt
Whoa amazing how I 'stumbled upon' your blog. I am struggling at the moment even though lately I have seen so many miracles/blessings in my life. I guess I always revert to my old nature and wanting to take control and fix the things in my life that need fixing….Reading your post today made me realise once again that I need to let Him totally in my life. I wish to join your circle. I know that on your own you are like the fire that slowly dies but in union with christian friends you can keep the fire burning. Thanks for your post Debra. Marianne