Hello Everyone, today I realized I hadn't shared this information with you all here on this blog. I blog regularly at my Home Decor/Lifestyle blog, Common Ground and have kept friends up on what I've been dealing with health wise. So this post is from just a little over a year ago, in June. God is the center of my life and I totally trust Him with the path I've been on with heart problems and autoimmune illness. I'm much better a year later, but it's been a really hard year. God moved us to a new home and it involved this last year renovating a home built in 1964; not something I would have undertaken in my own power or strength. What a year we've had, things are finally settling down a bit.
Post from June 22, 2018
"Sometimes life can change within a matter of minutes... that's what happened to me last Friday at 5:00 in the afternoon. I had just published a post here on the blog about the heart procedure that I had had earlier in the week. Things had gone pretty well and I was home and feeling better. I had a few minutes to reply to a few of you that had left a comment. If you haven't read that post from Friday afternoon, you can find it here.
Post from June 22, 2018
"Sometimes life can change within a matter of minutes... that's what happened to me last Friday at 5:00 in the afternoon. I had just published a post here on the blog about the heart procedure that I had had earlier in the week. Things had gone pretty well and I was home and feeling better. I had a few minutes to reply to a few of you that had left a comment. If you haven't read that post from Friday afternoon, you can find it here.